dialogue | book

“… [des] photos en noir et blanc, si frappantes et parlantes.
Les textes de Gilles [Baudry] leur confèrent un supplément d’âme.”


François Cheng de l’Académie Française


To bridge the gap between us. To penetrate the unintelligible moment when two people’s eyes meet. Photography captures instants of eternity. Throughout time and space and across cultures, it often speaks to us more powerfully than any words.

The game we’re playing here has been known around the world for many years, though most people play with words. After choosing a word to begin with, the last syllable of the first word becomes the first syllable of the next word. Words relate to one another, thus creating a cycle.

The ‘Dialogue’ project is based on this concept, replacing words with photographs. Each photograph relates to each other, resonates with each other, creating a cycle with neither beginning nor end. The result is a dialogue free of sound, not only between the two photographers but also between them and their audience. Since the principle behind the series comes from a game, we also tried to make it fun. And as we’ve enjoyed taking these photographs, sharing our work and building this series, we hope our audience enjoys them as well.

Antonin Kennel and Vincent Assante Di Cupillo have known each other and collaborated together for many years. Through this ongoing exchange of ideas and inspiration, they developed this “collaborative” approach to photography and exhibiting.

‘Dialogue’ can be seen as the taking of this creative process a step further, as the quintessence or harvest of their photographic exchange. Words no longer have a place here, photographs being the only means of communication. And though at times it may be difficult to gauge the relationships between the images, as when reading Lewis Carroll’s celebrated poem “Jabberwocky”, let your imagination gain the upper hand.

Converser par des images, mettre en résonance le temps et l’espace, les lieux et les cultures.

Dialogue est né d’une idée simple, d’un jeu photographique entre deux amis : ils s’envoient des images ; elles vont se répondre et  construire des séries de photographies qui tournent en boucle à la manière des comptines d’enfants “trois petits chats, chapeau de paille, paillasson, etc.”Dialogue est un échange de regards, un échange des sens, un regard sur les autres, un regard sur soi-même

À travers ce partage d’images, deux photographes partent à l’exploration de leur environnement par une quête esthétisante de leur inconscient. Expatriés sur une terre inconnue devenue familière, leurs repères se troublent, inquiets peut-être, fascinés certainement. Ils discourent à la recherche de leur identité ancrée dans le grouillis des rues de Chine et dans la mémoire des campagnes françaises de leur enfance.

Pénétrer l’indicible, quand le regard de deux êtres un instant s’accroche.